Frequently Asked Questions

We try to anticipate questions you might have about our PRODUCT / SERVICE and provide the answers here. If you need additional information send email to [email protected].


How Does Capitol Mosquito Control Mosquitoes?

We will perform a Spray to eradicate any adult mosquitoes currently around your home and to create a barrier against any mosquitoes that enter your yard after treatment. For an extra charge our technicians will treat standing water, pools and any other potential mosquito breeding site with a larvacide to kill any existing larvae and prevent future larvae.

What Do You Treat?

Capitol Mosquito’s trained technicians treat areas where mosquitoes breed, feed or rest. Treated surfaces include shrubbery, gardens, underneath decks, fences, the foundations of houses, tall grasses and low hanging vegetation. Not only are our technicians trained in accordance with local and state requirements, but our in-house program educates them on conditions and situations that are specific to mosquito and tick breeding. Due to this specific training, they are experts in mosquito elimination.

Does It Work?

Yes, and we guarantee it. While no service can offer 100 percent protection from every mosquito, you should notice an enormous reduction of 85 percent to 90 percent in the mosquito population in your yard.

How Long Does A Treatment Remain Effective?

Each Capitol Mosquito Control treatment lasts for approximately 21 days but we treat every two weeks. Our technicians treat areas where mosquitoes feed, breed and rest. The spray kills mosquitoes on contact. After it dries, mosquitoes attempt to feed or rest on treated surfaces, the residual spray will eliminate them.

What If It Rains Right After My Scheduled Treatment?

Targeted surfaces are the underside of leaves and shaded areas; these tend to be protected from the rain. Additionally, when the product has dried (after about 30 minutes) rain and water do not easily wash away the treatment. If it begins raining before your treatment has dried, and you notice a diminished effectiveness, please call us and we will retreat at no cost to you. After it rains make sure there are not containers in your yard holding water. Mosquitoes only need a bottle cap of water to breed a 100 larvae.

If I Have My Yard Treated, But My Neighbor Does Not, Will It Still Be Effective?

Yes! Mosquitoes do not respect fences or property lines, but our treatment creates an invisible barrier around your property that makes your yard unattractive to mosquitoes. As you might imagine, a mosquito might wander into your yard and bite you before feeding or resting on the treated surfaces. However, you will find that the presence of mosquitoes is enormously reduced. The sprays emits a light scent that will cover the scents that normally attract mosquitoes.

What Type Of Chemicals Do You Use?

All products used by Capitol Mosquito Control are either organic or botanical. They are used according to the label and are registered with the EPA. Our class of products can be found in many household products like head lice shampoos, pet flea sprays, and many agricultural applications such as standard treatments for fruit and ornamental plants.

Is This A Botanical Product?

Yes, one of the products we use is an all-natural, botanical based product derived from the dried heads of Old World Chrysanthemum flowers. We also offer a wide range of organic applications. Feel free to ask our technicians.

How Safe Is Your Product?

As always all products used by Capitol Mosquito Control are used according to the label and are registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This means the ingredients have been scrutinized and tested for safety for consumer use when applied according to the label. Our organic products are used in food production and around animals. They are listed as EPA exempt. The main ingredient in the botanical treatment is used in many household products such as lice shampoo and flee preventative. Homeowners utilize our treatments to reduce the risks of contracting vector- borne illness such as West Nile virus and tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease, which can both cause lifelong health issues.

Is This Product Safe To Use Around Kids And/Or Pets?

We use only enough product to target a 2.5 milligram mosquito. Unlike mammals mosquitoes lack enzymes to break down the product, which means we can use a very small amount strategically placed to achieve control of nuisance pests. It only takes a particle to contact such a small organism on a targeted surface and have an acute affect. In comparison, a small pet is about 6 kilograms (that’s 6 million milligrams or 2.4 million times) larger. All we ask is that the treatment is allowed 30 minutes to dry. Once the product is dry, it does not rub or wipe off easily, so children and pets can continue playing as they would do normally, only without becoming a mosquito’s dinner.

Can My Children Play In The Yard During A Capitol Mosquito Controls Treatment?

When treating a yard, we ask that the homeowner, children, and pets stay inside for 30 minutes, which allows the product to dry. After that, they are free to enjoy their backyards and other outdoor living spaces. Quite frankly, it is no different from staying off of your lawn for a recommended period of time after a lawn treatment has been applied. We inform each homeowner of this recommendation prior to spraying and if you are not home, we leave a notice alerting you to the time and date we sprayed.

Will Capitol Mosquito Treatments Harm My Plants Or Vegetable And Herb Garden?

All Capitol Mosquito treatments are designed to be as gentle as possible on organisms other than the targeted pests. Our treatment is achieved with products frequently used in the agricultural industry. We recommend that you treat any vegetables or herbs from your garden like you would store bought ones by washing them prior to consumption. If you would like for your vegetable and herb garden to not be treated, our technicians will take extra care to ensure that it is not treated.

Will Treatment Harm Beneficial Insects?

Some of Capitol Mosquito Control’s treatments, such as the non-organic treatments, can affect other insects in addition to the targeted pests. For instance, gnats, flies and fleas that are in direct contact with the spray during application, will be eliminated. However, care is taken to minimize damage to other insects. For instance, we try to avoid spraying blooming plants that attract honeybees. Once dry, the treatment should not impact insects that do not frequent the target surfaces. Ask us about our organic, pollinator safe, treatments.

I Have A Fish Pond, Will Treatment Affect My Fish?

Some of Capitol Mosquito Control’s treatments can harm fish. Capitol Mosquito Control's technicians are trained to carefully treat around the pond to provide protection for your family without harming the investment you have made in your pond and fish.

Will I Know When Capitol Mosquito Is Coming?

Yes. We alert you a week in advance letting you know the day we will be out. Then, at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled treatment we will email you the approximate time of our arrival. That should allow you plenty of time to reschedule if it is not convenient.

Do I Need To Be Home For The Treatments?

No. But if you have a dog it will need to be away from the area to be treated, for our safety and theirs. We will leave a notice so you know that your service has been provided. If you are not interested in leaving the gate open or we cannot access the back for any reason, then we offer a lock box free of charge.

Should I Rely On The Information On Capitolmosquitocontrol.Com To Determine Whether I Have A Vector-Borne Disease?

Definitely not. We do not purport to be a medical authority, nor do we claim to have complete lists of symptoms, diagnostic data or treatment information. You should contact a health care professional immediately if you suspect a vector-borne disease.

Can I Tell My Doctor About The Information Herein That Brought Me To My Suspicions?

Definitely! Some health care professionals may not be well versed in vector-borne diseases and may benefit from the information.